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Service Fee Change Notice
Changes to select service fees will be in effect on Sept 1, 2024.
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RRIF Savings Account

Earn a great return on your retirement savings with Achieva’s Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) Savings Account.

RRIF Savings Account

At age 71, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires you to convert your RRSP to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). If you already have an RRSP with Achieva, the transition to a RRIF is simple, with your retirement savings remaining sheltered from tax. RRIFs at other financial institutions can also be easily transferred to Achieva, maximizing your interest earned and simplifying your income stream during retirement.

Your Achieva RRIF Savings Account keeps your funds accessible and provides a secure source of income during retirement. A RRIF allows you flexibility and self-direction of your income in retirement. When you open your RRIF, establish a payment schedule that works for you.

Deposit Guarantee

All deposits guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.

Key Benefits

  • Earn high interest savings
  • Maintain your RRIF savings tax deferred until withdrawn
  • Funds available anytime
  • Easy to transfer to a higher interest Achieva RRIF GIC
  • Transfers from other financial institutions to your Achieva RRIF can be easily arranged
  • All deposits guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba
RRIF Savings Account
Looking for other retirement savings options?
Achieva also offers Locked-In Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and Life Income Funds (LIFs). Please contact our Customer Support Centre for further information.